Thursday, January 22, 2015

Period#4 Semester Final

  1. What is your favorite photo from this Lens slideshow? Provide three reasons that it is your favorite.
  2. Which photo is the best from the slideshow? Provide three reasons.
  3. What is your best work this semester? Include the blog link. Give three reasons why this is your best work. If you had more time, how would you do to improve the project.
  4. You chose three rules of composition. What are your three rules?
  5. Select one of your own photos that illustrates your ability to apply at least two of the three rules. Insert the photo into the post and label the picture. Clearly include the two rules of composition that you are using.
  6. I have three rules of composition. I have explained one already. What is my first rule?
  7. What are the benefits of working in groups? Provide a list with five benefits.
  8. What are the difficulties of working in groups? List five difficulties.
  9. What is your favorite work product produced by another person in this class? Provide the link to their work.

1. My favorite photo from the Pictures of the Day: Syria and Elsewhere is slide 7. It is my favorite photo because you can see the texture of the grass when the ball's lights reflect on to to it. The balls are in different colors so when it is lit, the balls glows beautifully. The photographer took the picture with the acrobat standing in the middle juggling so he can show everyone how happy and excited she is, performing in a beautiful scene.

2. The best picture from the Pictures of the Day: Syria and Elsewhere is the last slide, slide 9. I think it is the best photo, because it has the shadow of a deer and a bird riding on its back. The fog is covering the deer, but if there wasn't any fog, I can promise you that the deer would be looking right at you. It is surprising that a bird would be riding on a deer like they are friends. It also apply to one of my rules, leaving space.

3. My best work this semester would be the Masters of Photography project. ( Link: This is my best project because I applied all three of my rules (Leaving Space, Rule of Thirds,and Texture) in here. I want to show the world how beautiful and majestic these birds are, not some food stealer or some animal that poops on your head, but an animal that has the freedom to spread its wing and fly in the sky. Plus, I like birds and had a lot of fun going out with my group to take pictures. If I had more time, I would improve this project by taking a picture of a bird soaring in the sky.

4. My three rules of composition is:
  • Leaving Space
  • Texture
  • Rule of Thirds
A Bird and a Pole

This photo shows two of my rules of composition: Leaving space and texture. If you look closely, you can see the texture on the bird, the leaves, and on the poles. Leaving space is applied, because I left space on the right side of the bird. 

6. Getting Closer

7. The benefits on working in a group is 
  • If someone needs help, their group can help them. 
  • When someone has a good idea on taking a picture, they can share it with the group members. 
  • We can take pictures together while getting to know each other. 
  • We can decrease the workload by working together.
  • We can have fun.
8. The difficulties on working in a group is
  • We have to stick together, If someone gets lost, we have to find them.
  • Some group members might be to busy working on their blog to help you.
  • Some group members go off task like watch movies or play games.
  • Going off topic in conversation.
  • Some members don't do their work, saying that they will do it at home, but never do.

9. My favorite work product produced by my friend Val is the picture of the rose Link:
It was taken after the rain, so it has tiny droplets on the rose.

A Little History

10. My photographer is Josef Sudek. He took pictures and created haunting night scapes to show the horrors of World War II.

11. Dorothea Lange's most popular photo was the "Migrant Mother." The photo was taken in March of 1936, in Nipomo, California. The Farm Security Administration employed Dorothea when she took this picture.

12. The founder/creator of Life Magazine was Henry Luce. The magazine began publishing on November 23, 1936.

13. Robert Capa was the founding member of Magnum Photos. The organization began on 1947.

14. Robert Capa took the photo "Falling Soldier" on September 5, 1936 in Spain.